About Us
There are countless businesses with the potential to be significantly bigger but who goes unnoticed, suffer in silence and eventually die a slow death by not having access to much need skills and experience.
Observing this unfortunate and sad cycle in our business community, NHP Consulting was established with the aim to support small-, medium- and large organisations through our wide range of service offerings. Service offerings delivered by like-minded individuals and business owners by sharing their business lessons leaned and availing their years of international business consulting experience.
NHP Consulting's services are delivered through cost effective and innovative partnership options. Every business can afford our services, in fact they can't afford not to take advantage of it.
We bound ourselves to Kingdom Business Principles and Ethics, and that is what we teach and coach businesses in.
Our Vision
Our vision is to earn the trust of business owners and leaders to act as "Trusted Advisor" and support the implementation of affordable,
high impact, practical and sustainable interventions.