About Us
During the execution of numerous analysis of supply chains over the past 15 years from organisations in all different industries across the world, we observed similar organisational behaviour patterns. The degree to which these behaviours are lived out, gives us a very good indication about the health of the supply chain even before the data analysis results are considered.
The behaviours we are referring to are:
high levels of frustration experienced by employees in the supply chain,
high levels of pressure and stress supply chain employees are subjected too (cannot finish their work in normal working hours),
many Excel Spread Sheets being referenced in managing the supply chain.
These “wellness indicators” observed during our Supply Chain Health Analyses are usually the result of the following root causes:
departments/business functions operating in silos,
there is little or no trust between fellow supply chain contributors such as fellow employees and suppliers, and finally
system users are not utilising the full capacity and functionality of the implemented ERP system.
Our team aim to address these root causes to improve the “wellness indicators” by:
delivering on-the-job functional supply chain and system education,
improving the trust and visibility between supply chain functions including suppliers and
increasing the trust in the system, especially with regards to master data and secondly, process data such as dates and quantities on documents.
Improving the “wellness indicators” by addressing the root causes, immediately has a positive, quantifiable impact on the business bottom line results. This can be measured in terms of a reduction in working capital and significant improvement in customer service, and that is what NHP Consulting is all about!
We bound ourselves to Kingdom Business Principles and Ethics, and that is what we teach and coach businesses in.
Our Vision
Our vision is to earn the trust of business owners and leaders to act as "Trusted Advisor" and support the implementation of affordable,
high impact, practical and sustainable interventions to take their business to New Heights.
It is all about relationships for us and thus at the core we work to forge lasting partnerships from sound relationships.